Family legends and stories have always been a part of The Old Homestead, a 558-acre farm in upstate New York that has been in her family since 1787.
Iris Rogers, who manages her family's farm, has heard plenty of these stories, which have been collected over eight generations.
One that always caught her attention was what she calls the milk jug story. According to the story, Iris told Insider, her great-grandfather, Elbert Rogers, stored the original deed to the farm in an old milk jug and hid it somewhere on the property.
Iris, who runs a CBD product business, Homestead Hemp, from the farm, took to TikTok in March to document her journey of trying to find the supposed deed.
The 27-year-old ended up on a scavenger hunt, which she documented in a series of videos on the platform.
Iris says she first found an old pamphlet that contained her first clue
According to the family's story, Iris said, Elbert was very particular about hiding the original deed in a milk jug. At the time, it was common to hide valuables around their homes.
But the milk jug wasn't the smartest place to hide it. "Presumably, it got filled with milk and sent out because they never saw the deed again," Iris told Insider.
Iris thought there was a possibility that the deed was still somewhere on the farm, so she started hunting through the empty milk jugs in her family's barn.
While the deed wasn't inside any of the milk jugs, she did find a pamphlet inside one. It contained a clue: "top of the stairs, to the left."
Iris Rogers' reaction to finding the pamphlet, right, in the milk jug. Iris Rogers
Over the course of a few weeks, Iris says one clue led to other clues - which often involved books and postcards - and she followed each one, venturing from dusty basement crawl spaces to secret attics around the farm.
Eventually, the clues led her right back to where she started: her family's horse barn.
By that point, Iris says she was ready to give up, but she did one last thorough search of the barn, and that's when she found a hidden cupboard she had initially missed.
She explored areas around the property. Iris Rogers
Iris came across an old lithograph print - and the original version of it is thought to be valuable
Inside the cupboard was a wrapped frame, Iris said, and she hoped it would be the original deed.
It ended up being a framed print of a Currier & Ives lithograph, she said.
A photograph of the lithograph print by Currier & Ives. Iris Rogers
From the mid-1800s until 1907, Currier & Ives was a popular American printmaking firm, according to the American Historical Print Collectors Society. Iris said that according to her family's stories, her great-grandfather had purchased three original Currier & Ives lithographs but had later auctioned them off.
The artifact was proof to Iris that he had apparently kept one.
Although the print she found was just a copy, Iris says she called members of her extended family and learned that the original print had been left to her aunt, but her family didn't realize its value.
Original, large Currier & Ives prints can sell for upward of $60,00, according to the American Historical Print Collectors Society. Iris told Insider that she's reached out to a handful of appraisers who valued the original print between $10,000 and $30,000.
Often the prints sell for tens of thousands of dollars because Currier & Ives originals stopped being printed in 1907, which makes them a rare find today, according to the American Historical Print Collectors Society.
The scavenger hunt made Iris feel connected to her family
Elbert Rogers, left, and The Old Homestead farm in Salem, New York, right. Iris Rogers
Iris said this experience brought her closer to the family farm and Elbert, a family member she never met.
"There's been so many generations that have lived here that I never knew and I've never met. So it feels very much like I'm the living history of all of it," Iris said.
For now, Iris said she's taking a break from looking for the deed. The historic lithograph is a happy ending in her book.